How can I edit or remove the audio for any particular text item in your video?
To edit the audio of a text item you need to make it active by clicking on it. You will normally notice this audio panel on the right with three buttons:
1. Play This button will playback your current audio
2. Change Selecting this button will bring up a popup which you can use to change the audio associated with this text item.
3. Remove This option will remove any audio playing with this text.

If no sound is associated with this item you will see only a single button titled "Add Text to speech or Record voice". Clicking on this button will bring a popup similar to one associated with Change button.
The default option is Text-to-speech voice generation option. You can edit the spoken text and voice from here and regenerate your voice over. If needed, you can even spell out a word phonetically to improve the quality of voice-over.

You can use the "Upload MP3" tab to upload your own MP3 as well.

You can also record your own voice over with a microphone or record it via phone as well.