Where to find good quality Free stock images for your videos? Here is one site..
Hi,I was browsing the warriorforum and came across an interesting thread about sites that offers stock images to use inside your videos, presentations, etc.
A member there was kind enough to suggest the following site for that let's you download some very good images for free...

I have checked out the site and sure enough their contract states that "You may use the Image: In digital format on websites, multimedia presentations, broadcast film and video, cell phones."
I'm no lawyer but to me that basically means you're okay to use images from this site inside your AVR videos freely.
The full image licensing agreement is here (for those who understand legal jargon better):
Of course there are some restrictions (on image by image basis) but overall I think this site is a great resource that you may want to bookmark (I surely have!)
Hope you find this useful when replacing the stock images inside your article's videos with the EZA converter here:
Also if you know of any more sites please do share.. I'll probably create a resource box and have all such sites listed on there for our members.
Anyway, thought I'd share this wonderful resource :)
Kind Regards,
Navneet Rai,
Article Video Robot.