How to get top ranking in YouTube and increase your video traffic through video marketing
After banging my head almost everywhere to come up with techniques to improve your video marketing, it suddenly hit me how a simple technique could that I had almost never noticed until recently. Some of you might be already aware, but let me share it anyway. I usually spend a lot of time on YouTube searching TV shows that I always miss on weekends. And it struck me that a major factor to getting listed in the top of video search results is to have your main keywords (that you target) incorporated in your video title itself. The concept may sound very simple but let me share the fact that very few people are aware of this fact. This is a very effective technique that you could use when you submit your video using ArticleVideoRobot's integrated video submission wizard.To show you a working example, search for "the phrase video article marketing" in YouTube. If you would notice carefully the first video that is returned in the video search results, the Video Title has all the keywords that you searched for in YouTube and in a combination that matches the pattern of your search phrase, i.e. the full title of the topmost video is Article Marketing Meets Video Marketing: Turn Articles into Videos Part 2). Observe the concentration of the keywords in the video title (Article Marketing Meets Video Marketing: Turn Articles into Videos Part 2) of the topmost video in the YouTube search results. Also note that the video title has alternating patterns of the search keywords but in the same order as the search phrase, i.e. three matching patterns (article marketing, video marketing, and articles videos) for the search prhase "article video marketing". Though the video has only very few hits (132 views), it still tops the search results. Notice the last video (Nuesion: HowTo YouTube & Web Video Marketing Part 1) in the below screenshot has 170,864 but still isn't the top rated.

If you check out Metacafe for the same search phrase ("article video marketing") you would notice a similar pattern.

What is imperative is the fact that video sites return search results by Relevance which is the default option. What it means to you is that when you post your videos using ArticleVideoRobot's video submission wizard you could still garner higher traffic and possibly the highest visibility on YouTube. Even though your videos might be relatively new, have very low views (i.e. hit rates), you could still have your video article listed in the top of the video search results by careful construction of the video title with the right concentration (in terms of the various combination) of your target keywords as well as the logical placement (i.e. order) of the keyword phrases.
That is not all. With ArticleVideoRobot's Dynasubmit feature, you could publish many versions of the same video but with different video titles and each video title optimized with the target keywords. All it takes is simple planning and you could not only top the video search results but could get many of your video listed in the top 10 search results for any given search phrase.
I hope this article helps you in improving your video traffic. We hope it does and we could be happier to see you succeed with your video marketing efforts.